A Heavy Love

My father carried his wife from room to room, lifting her spirits each day with a love greater than the weight of her deepening dementia.

She remained with him in the house they had shared as kindred souls together for so many treasured years.

As she deteriorated in her abilities, the toll exacted upon my father’s mind, body and spirit rose steeply, yet he did not balk at, or even question, the price, insisting that she remain with him in their house, with his caring for her every need.

Then, one day, as he approached his beloved wife, she asked, “Who are you?” Momentarily stunned, he paused, then gently said: “I was sent by God to care for you and to never leave your side.” “I miss my husband,” she mused. “I wish he could be here with me. You remind me of his kindness.” “He loves you very much, and he is here with you in spirit,” my father answered. “Oh, you know my husband!” she exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with joy. “Yes, indeed, I know him well,” he whispered, lost in thought. “Would you be so good as to tell him how much I love him?” My father nodded, but in his heart he wept.

author: Doug Lanzo