The Idle Idol

No eyes, yet stubbornly fixed on you

No lips, but the kiss is irresistible

No tongue, yet words are not few

No mind, but has thoughts inconceivable

No hands, yet the deeds are done

No feet, but no need to run

Mind yourself, mind yourself

The mind is a terrible thing to lose

Once lost, what can be left

But that which you choose?

The idle idol rests on its stand

Domineering over its possession.

Rejoicing in and enforcing its every command

The victim’s head becomes a deeper depression

It says ‘do’ and done are the deeds

It says ‘cut’ and the victim begins to bleed

Mind yourself, mind yourself

The mind is a terrible thing to lose

Once lost, what can be left

But that which you choose?

Gone not are the days of slave and king

For one simply trades one king for another

And will be a slave to that very thing

That he chooses above all others.

Idly, he will serve an idle idol

Never leaving the dangerous state of idle

Mind yourself, mind yourself

The mind is a terrible thing to lose

Once lost, what can be left

But that which you choose?

Idleness is a deadly snake

And uses the apple as a lure

You take a bite but realize too late the mistake

As the fangs imbedded are fatally sure

The path littered with gold is trodden well

Yet it hides away the graves of the giants it fell.

Mind yourself, mind yourself

The mind is a terrible thing to waste

Once lost, what can be left

But the hideous hollow face?

Mind yourself, mind yourself

The mind is a terrible thing to lose

Once lost, what can be left

But that which you choose?