This is Ministry

The hallway is a

gantlet of green bean cans

and crabby shouts. 

My hand clamps down

on the cart’s damp, sticky metal. 

I haul it over the bump. 

Then I lift the loaded box into a

battered, red sedan,

feeling a warning twinge in my back. 

Then I point dirty, scaly hands skyward,

strain with chapped lips. 

I ask God to bless Maria Estevez. 

It’s the first time 

she’s ever prayed before. 

She drives off with a wave,

her car sputtering smoke. 

This is ministry.

A note from the author:

"This is Ministry" is based on my experiences serving at my college church's food bank. On Fridays we would open up the church to anyone needing groceries. It was one of the most powerful spiritual experiences of my life. While Christians might assume that modern culture is hostile towards our message, the poor, sick, and hungry are actually quite receptive to the Gospel. The physicality of the work and direct contact with clients made this ministry very authentic. It was always a display of genuine love, and I am blessed to have been a part of it.
author: Joel Bush