
I planted my first garden this year

Tilled the soil

Added compost


Wood chips like a blanket



Pressed my selected seeds

Into the earth

In nice neat rows



Guarded with chicken wire


Did an actual happy dance

in the front yard

Witnessed green heads

Peering up single file

Like kindergartners at the drinking fountain

Then I wept when those cute

fluffy thieves slipped under the fence

and gorged themselves on

the lettuce I was so eager to harvest


I reinforced


Covered my little green chicks

With the feathers of my bird net

And I watered

Looked forward to every sunrise and sunset

When I checked and watered and guarded

And danced with delight

As the rains came and the sun

Directed more direct rays

One day, while harvesting spinach

I noticed you there out of line

In the woodland between rows

I almost plucked you

But your vestments look too, too


I let you be

Curious about what you are

Today I took note: You’re two feet tall

I recognize your angular gown

Stitched round the edge in crimson

I am familiar with your round head

Veiled in youth

Expecting soon to see your red

Or golden face

Look. Two more of your volunteer kind

Out of line

Enjoying the benefits of my diligence

Reveling in the mystery of who planted you in my waiting years.