Year of Jubilee

What did we expect after 2000 years?

Angelic choirs, Satchmo on trumpet,

Mozart at the piano, Elvis singing lead?

Waiting for hours on stone steps

Worn smooth by Roman sandals

Stained by Jewish blood,

We could almost see beyond

The Judean Wilderness,

Charlton Heston, his staff outstretched,

The sea parting.

What our jaded eyes saw

Across the span of the Temple Mount

A company of priests,

Robed and phylactyred,

Rushing back and forth

In front of the Western Wall

Blowing shofars, sounding not at all

Like the Trump of God

But rather the squawk-tooting

Of a grade school Kazoo band.

Not one scruffy dove

Landed on anyone's shoulder.

What God saw

Jesus in the Garden,

Sweating drops of blood,

As he prayed for the flesh

That encased the Messiah

And for the souls of all mankind.

Most brutal of deaths, the tomb

The rising again of the Nazarene,

Titus’ destruction of Jerusalem

In crumbled stone, fire and blood.

The Jewish nation over the centuries

In diaspora, ridicule, inquisition

Death camps and crematoriums,

Through it all, keeping Covenant with God

“Next year in Jerusalem,”

Who brought them together

Once again as a nation

Keeping Covenant with Israel

What God expects.

Keep blood Covenant

With my Son,

The Covenant of Calvary

And the empty tomb.

Oh, yes. The tough one,

“Become as little children.”