(Lines Written) at Baw Beese

& the Hillsdale College Chapel Choir
Sitting down there, atop the walled-in shore
to watch the sunset over lake Baw Beese,
and breathing slowly, with the ebb and flow
of little ripples waving past our legs,
a supertexture not unlike a web
or tapestry just visible above
the glassy surface, sometimes drawn upon
by lonesome ducks, or dragonflies, or fish
while wavelets emanating from our feet
reciprocate the soothing touch of the
gentle water...
                        Now soon the sky is dark,
and stars appear, first singly, then in groups;
the cross hatchings of clouds change colors to
profound purples and deepest navy blues,
while streetlights hunched like ancient fishermen
begin to cast their lines into the lake.
How peaceful to be here beneath the moon!
As lightingbugs dance nimbly through the dark,
and cool night settles down to go to sleep,
our vision unifies; reflections cease,
and we are brought together at Baw Beese.