The Defense

There came that Day of Reckoning, long prophesied and spoken years ago

The great reversal, the last now first, the first now last - the divide of sheep and goats.

The Judge stands at the door, to gather the wheat and burn the chaff

In the great hall, the pleas and defenses can be heard; a great divide splits them in half

The goats and ravenous wolves thrown out while the Shepherd, his sheep, are guided by the staff.

A great burning besets me all around, smoke and plume, great treasures now turned to dust.

Afraid I am to journey further in, but the Day of Reckoning, I know I must!

“Make your just plea before this judge!” A voice cries out. “Your heart we ask, is it true?

What evidence is there to test your faith?! What great altar to remember you?

Here now, lay it out before us, all that was right and true. Indeed to endure there are very few.

O Lord, Lord! Look at all my righteous works, bright as the risen sun!

According to all your good laws - all ten profess - I have done!

Adultery, I have forsaken, abandoned, shunned!

Murder and false witness I have loathed, I would never have done!

See how tested and true I’ve been, a rich man indeed, by your law I’ve prospered because I heed!

O Lord, Lord! Look at all my wisdom that I have, I have confessed you are One!

According to all your written words - all the prophets I cofess - I have learned!

Your true nature, I accept and commend to the rest!

God as holy, just, and one, to believe in thee I find myself at rest!

See how true I’ve been, by your Word in Wisdom gained, ready for your final test!

O Lord, Lord! Look at all my great accomplishments in this life!

According to your wisdom, I’ve prepared for the afterlife!

I’ve stored up wealth for the end, and three years have out-planned!

Laziness I’ve loathed and good sound work will now only stand!

See how winsome and true I’ve been, if words don’t justify then certainly riches will testify!

A thunderous boom, a great voice now billows the great hall!

The Lord of Glory; angels resounding… “Holy! Holy! Holy!”

“Is this your final response? Is this your final testimony? Besides all others do you rest your case on these three tests of faith?”

In response, I say, “Tis is true, all my faith rests on if these works prove true.”

Truly! Truly! Your righteous works prove none,

A man of the law, ten good commandments you have kept, but the sum of one you have shunned.

The Royal Law, to love your neighbor as yourself, yet forsaken those without wealth, you have done.

See how false and dead you are! To you I say, I never knew!

Truly! Truly! You have confessed I am one, yet the demons of under confess I am one!

Confession by day, obsession by night; learned man by day, ravenous wolf by night!

Faith without sight, a body without spirit or might, I see a heart that’s truly not right!

See how false and dead you are! To you I say, I never knew!

Truly! Truly! You’ve accomplished much; riches and prosperity are yours to keep!

So long as you reside here in the evil and vile, dark deep.

All you’ve gained was your own blessing and from your own purse

Your true works I do now finally curse!

See how false and dead you are! To you I say, I never knew!

The Poor in Spirit, I have chosen, the lost and broken I have awoke!

The weary and heavy laden I have called; your awful yoke on them I will break!

To the dead who’ve died in my name, rejoicing to the grave, I will awake!

Your goods, treasures, and pleasant plans shall burn here, this being your only mirth!

But their treasure hidden from thy eyes, buried beneath the earth, now risen high, shall await them beyond this very earth!