Gardener’s Journal, The Quiet Season

In the midst of threatening-to-be-over winter

Where the view includes five variations on the color

Gray, any glimpse of green is an emerald surprise.

When blooms no longer remain to please the eye,

Fragrance is a gift all its own, invisible color among

The empty palette once crammed with a hundred

Obvious hues.

Gone is the deep maroon of salvia, hyssop’s subtle

Lavender, the shock of neon sunflower. No more

Brilliant summer distractions; their outdoor display

Gone in the bank of memory.

This is the season of sienna-hued soil and barren

Branches, finished foliage against the foundation

At my feet, contrasting frame for what’s left

Of the garden.

I notice instead the wafting frills of winter hazel,

Aroma of sweetbox luring me to pause and ponder

The promise of Spring’s coming spectacle.

Winter’s dormancy reveals a horizon of larch and fir,

Cedar and spruce the evergreen stars to backdrop

My days in this ever-increasing linger of sunlight.