
“Then the man said, ‘You shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel, for you have striven with God and with humans and have prevailed.’” (Genesis 32:28)

It reads as if the two came to a draw,

As neither walked away leaving his foe

Defeated in the dust. The stranger asked

The name of Jacob and, for once, he set

Aside deception, telling truthfully,

“My name’s Deceiver; One Who’s Crooked; Bent.

I’ve tripped the heels of all ahead of me,

Yet still have found myself possessing nothing.”

To which his God responded, Child, you’ll learn

My blessing only comes upon the broken,

Upon the ones who’ve sought to bend my will

To theirs. They all leave marked, and sometimes bruised,

But always hobbling; so when they walk

With stuttered steps, they’ll learn to lean on me.

issue: Quiescence
author: Jesse Baker