A Musing on Waiting, Patiently

        I had been faithful with the few things I had been given, but it felt like nothing was going right. There were so many scattered seeds that I was still waiting for a return from, but it seemed like nothing was going my way and it felt frustrating. Storms had passed, the sun had risen and given light despite the dark and dismal days for my seeds, but I was still waiting patiently for what I was praying for and hoping for, but it seemed to never come to pass. Much toil and effort had gone into the pursuit of what I felt God was calling me to do, but still, neither a sight of a sproutling nor what felt like any form of encouragement as I waited patiently, diligently, expectantly to receive what I had been praying for. Days, and nights, and weeks followed, and yet still, I had to be patient. With patience, vexation, irritation, and frustration, I had to wait patiently for what I was asking for.
        And yet, that’s how it often is with waiting for God’s perfect timing, isn’t it? How often does that happen to many a Christian waiting for something from the hand of the Lord? It feels like having to be patient while waiting for God’s timing stretches us, refines us, builds us, and prepares us for what we have been praying for. Many a Christian can not only relate and have that feeling. I have waited, and waited, and waited, and prayed, and prayed, and prayed, and praised, and praised, and praised, and yet still, the birth pains continue to intensify and I still have to learn to be patient as I wait on God’s perfect timing. I am sure many Christians can relate to having feelings and thoughts of, “Ugh! Why do I have to wait this long? Can God please make someone else wait this long and just give me what I want?” 
        Terrible sarcasm set aside, it is the test that refines us, prepares us, and molds us into what we need to be. During the delays and the waiting, the sproutings are sure to come and the harvest of righteousness will be reaped in due season, and God will get all the glory through Lord Jesus Christ for it! Don’t be discouraged by the test! God is preparing you in accordance with His will!
May Lord Jesus Christ have all the glory!
issue: Quiescence