
I like to think the tree,

rough-hewn into Christ’s cross,

was also many other things—

trees are bigger than the condemned,

scarce enough in the almost-desert.

I’m sure its branches were shaved down

and made into wheels rumbling

their way to Rome, or a brand-new litter

special-ordered for a favorite eunuch

so that he could keep his feet clean

on the way to be dunked into a dirty little river.

Maybe a mother sheep showed a lamb

to eat from a manger made

of the same wood that held the body

I ate this Sunday, that soaked up the blood

that stained my tongue

and which I treasured until nightfall.

A note from the author:

I wanted to write a meditation on the ways redemption interacts with daily life— that the most important things are made of everything else. I started with imagining what else in the early New Testament could be made of the single felled tree that formed Jesus’ cross, then imagined forward in time to wherever it would take me.
author: Heidi Turner