Ode to Eve


The rank stench of isolation

The deep dark pit of loneliness

The uncanny knowledge of not knowing

This is the forbidden dynasty you betrothed to me.


Woman of discontent

What angst you have bred

A poet will lament

The prudent will repent.

The vast helix strand that links our commonality

Like you, just prefer to forget.

Wandering aimlessly in the desert

For far more than forty days

Dry parched unquenched mouths and souls

Cry out cry out in pain.


Here in this urban wonderland

Like you, a mother a wife a child

Try to fill a void with frivolous ends

Throw my days into the great abyss

Longing for so much more

Oh for so much more than this.

Then the reverberation,

A symphony over his creation.

The song of the lovers heart;

He takes great delight in you,

he will no longer rebuke you,

but will rejoice over you with singing.

All is well because of him, mother, sister, lover.

A note from the author:

The intention of the work, is to move through the pain and outworking of the devastating action of Eve, to the restoration and peace that is offered by God. His singing, like all aspects of his voice, does not return to him void, but in the fragrance of his beautiful love, draws the woman back to him.