Semantic Distinctions

It’s a good day for poetry,

which is to say

that I am still alive somehow,

as much as that miracle baffles me;

that the wind is fair, rustling

the notebook pages

into a fluttering inconvenience;

that the sounds of my mother tongue

taste like honey as they cross my own,

held between the bent, broken

mountain ridges of my jagged teeth.

Today, I speak in a dialect common

to all lonely things, addressing

no one in particular,

It is in this moment

that I am reminded of the difference

between poetry and prayer,

the single step distance

between a cliff’s edge and the abyss.

It is an act of faith to move forward,

to set a foot down, finding no ground,

casting your own soul into the wind,

praying for a Breath

far greater than a gravity

to carry you home.