
"For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks." Luke 6:45

I got it for $19.98 and I never want to get rid of it.

Why wait a year and a half?

My mother was super sharp.

Are you looking for anything else?

It was nothing fancy.

I felt like I was in a nursing home.

She just recently moved to Nashville.

Nobody expected it.

His store was next to my daddy’s store on Park Avenue.

You know what’s crazy…


She was organized and all.

You know what?

My mother stayed with my dad.


Haha, I do not feel that way about you!

It looks clean.

Was it a different person?

Have you cooled off?

My passport expired.

Take your time coming to get me; its very cozy in the library.

I need to rent one of those rug doctor things.

I believe in miracles.

How are you?

I’m not making big choices, I’m just giving ideas.

Don’t write anything you’re gonna regret.

A note from the author:

It’s a rainy day. As I’ve been out and about around town, I’ve caught snatches of conversations and compiled them on the page. From the coffee shop to the grocery store, these tidbits were spoken in exchanges that were as ordinary as a Tuesday. But just as we appear ordinary with our eyes side-by-side, our shoulders just so, and our feet facing mostly forward, woven through are always hints of the Divine. Everywhere, all the time, the fingerprints of God are on our lives and so often, they come out in our words. Each of these sentences is random and disconnected from the others. Do you see him where I saw him today?