Summer Song

Hallelujah of these verdant hills and hollows

Tumbles over land like froth on seaside breakers

Washing we who linger long in dusky shallows

Worship ever raised by humble twilight singers.

Tumbling over land like frothy seaside breakers

Hours ebb and flow awash in rhythmic swelling

Worship raised unceasingly by humble singers

Layers overlap amid this story's telling.

Decades ebb and flow awash in rhythmic swelling

Songs enflesh the metaphor of evening stillness

Overlapping layers build this story's dwelling

Packing substance into silence, our thoughts witness.

Singing metaphor enfleshed in evening stillness

Synchronous crescendo building, lull that follows

Silence richly filled with substance, our thoughts fill this

Hallelujah of His verdant hills and hollows.

author: Mark Rico