I heard the cat-scan toil in singing

Take a breath and hold it. Now release.

The programmed voice gave me precise instructions

while the trained technician hid herself

behind a thickened wall and leaden shield.

Stretched at length upon a plastic sled,

I stiffened, half-undressed beneath a sheet

as the whirling gadget opened up

what was hidden deep below the skin

like a misdirected envelope

stuffed with pornographic photographs.

What would these ghostly images reveal?

The cause my kidneys had for weeping blood?

The random drift of wounded molecules?

A darkened wave in ebb and flow inside?

Did they photograph the cage of birds

breaking wings against my frightened heart?

Or could it image how the patient self

awaited what was possible bad news?

The technician clothed in white and with a mask

looked like an angel as we labored together.

The winding purr of magnets made me calm.

And I have nothing left to be afraid of.

author: Royal Rhodes
issue: Toil
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