Golden Shovel from Elizabeth Bishop's "The Fish"

While clasping hands, asking God to give

His blessing, I turn white like a fish, my

Gills flashing red and silver as though they

Were drowning in this dim sanctuary. A fish still

Breathing, however, is still alive, and so my prayers echo

In the dark, their words slippery as scales,

The sanctuary an ocean where

Terrible creatures lurk to steal me away, and

Oxygen is growing scarce.

The only response I receive is

Frightening silence, and all over again like

Gills my lungs scream desperately and my tears slick

Fresh And Crisp along my face. I am filled with blood yet with none

That can heal the wounds or mend the

Cut of shame, no red brine can absolve my guilt,

So I lay in silence with my tears and my blood rushing

Badly in my ears and pretend it is the ocean.

I wrestle there for a while, alone with the roaring, then a

Thought ripples in my mind

Of wounded hands and a head hooked by a thorny crown,

The roaring of the crowd, so

Coarse, foaming with rage and anger

White-hot and ready to tear his

Flesh apart

issue: Toil
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