Hard Stemmed Bulrushes

Blue heron stands in hard stemmed bulrushes

lost Styrofoam cup behind horse stables

I’m cleaning waste places wiping up tables

hills spackled with Indian Paintbrushes

These are keeping places, safe ground sodden

from tip to bow below basalt where tide

would overflow without these roots leeside

Moses’ basket, holy’s hidden

they lock the edge where water dries to mud

rivulets cut paths through foggy washes

unlike us, weather does as it wishes

its blind prayers defy our gloves, shovels, blood

thus, bullrushes make cloaked and cloistered rooms

wind shudders from tip to shoulder to bow

storms jiggling the keys burgling the shore now

they close the door from the sea, protective brooms

author: Mary Winslow
issue: Toil
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