Ezer Kenegdo

When I think of times our church has mucked Up the gospel, muddying the waters With rules and regulations about who Is allowed to play and when, I think of How Paul - hijacked, hacked apart, and resewn Into a monstrous gatekeeper - compared Us to one body. The funny thing is A body takes multiple parts acting Together simultaneously so It can move. As I type this, my brain, my neurons, muscles, tendons, and bones have to work in a nanosecond ballet of signals, jolts, and twitches to get these words out of my brain and onto the screen. And I think of my masters when I learned How nutrients pair in harmony to Hive the body what it needs: It can’t Absorb calcium without Vitamin D, Iron needs C, B12 and folate Are both needed for cells to divide And replicate so the body can grow. In the same way, I’m reminded of those Pairs of inseparable saints: Brigid and Patrick, Paula and Jerome, Francis and Claire, Juan and Theresa, who translated, Mysteries, preached the word to those in need, Clothed the poor, satisfied the thirsty, and Fed the hungry, thus insuring that the Gospel was bioavailable to This broken and sacred body of Christ.