Why Did Jesus Stop at the Doves' Table - A Musing

I have often wondered when Jesus was cleansing the temple in John 21:13-22, why He stopped at the table of those selling doves. Why didn’t He turn it over and scatter the doves? He had driven out the sheep and oxen and turned over the tables of the money changers, yet He stops and just rebukes those selling the doves.

Doves were the sacrificial offerings for the poor and Jesus identified with those were downtrodden. Was He remembering the simple sacrifices His family often made because they were poor? Or was it something about the peaceful nature of doves, recalling the dove’s return to the ark in Noah’s day?

Did the intimate memory of His baptism, bring Him up short, as He recalled the Holy Spirit descending upon Him as a dove? Certainly, the experience of hearing the pleasure of His Father’s voice and love would overwhelm one with reverence. And a dove was associated with that special encounter.

Perhaps verse 15 might help, And He made a scourge of cords. Imagine the self-control it took to pause and make this simple whip for driving out the livestock. Jesus was incensed at this desecration of His Father’s house, and making the scourge shows His intention. But did this simple act slow Him down as He prayed and planned. “Father, help me do what you want me to do. Help me not to get carried away.”

I wonder if making the scourge and stopping at the doves’ table were acts of self-control.

Jesus showing us that at times the Holy Spirit prompted Him to exercise restraint.

We all know it is a scary thing to lose control, especially when over stressed with emotion.We can allow anger to let us get carried away. Self-control demonstrates a mastery of feelings; it is the self-discipline and strength to know when our emotions want their way and by the power of the Holy Spirit, we don’t let them take over. God can give us the ability to say no to the impulse and feeling through the fruit of the Spirit, self-control.

Picturing Jesus’ intentional halt at the doves’ table has helped me greatly. While going through chemotherapy I had to take steroids and often they left me feeling on edge. I felt angry and didn’t know why. I didn’t want to lash out at my wife or friends, so I asked God to show why I was angry. Like Jesus, I deliberately took spiritual action before I lost control. Usually, the Holy Spirit would show that I had no reason for the anger. It was simply the steroids. I asked that in spite of how I felt that God would give me His peace and self-control. God transformed a difficult time and taught me a valuable lesson through Jesus’ actions.

I am ever grateful that Jesus halted before the dove sellers. I pray this meditation helps all who find themselves delivered up in tense situations. May we obey the promptings of the Holy Spirit, as Jesus did.