What is Faith?

What is faith? What is your answer? Tell me what it means to you. Is it simply just believing With no facts to prove it’s true? Or is faith beyond description, Something that is mystical, Softer than a tiny whisper, Something that’s invisible? You can have faith in a person, Someone who’s earned all your trust. Faith can be complete devotion With undying love a must. What about your faith in Jesus? Does it mean all of those things? If you’re honest, is it simply Just the ones that don’t have strings? Ones that don’t require commitment, With a shelf-life, short and sweet, An acceptance temporary, A belief that’s not complete? If that’s true, I have the answer; Simply ask to find your way. God can help you, He will bolster With His Spirit every day. Understanding and commitment, Stronger faith that once was dim, If you keep your heart in Jesus, You’ll find clarity in Him.

author: Pat Severin